Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Calorie Shifting Diet

Calorie Shifting is the procedure whereby you alter your eating habits and food combinations, forcing your metabolism to burn more of the calories you eat.

Your metabolism can't know what your calorie intake will be tomorrow or the day after, so it burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days. Your metabolism assumes your eating habits will be the same over the next days to come.

If however, you could do the opposite of what your metabolism was expecting this would effectively shock your system into burning more calories. By rotating the foods you eat and the frequency and types of foods, your metabolism will start to burn calories based on this rotation.

Your metabolism is basically being instructed to burn more of the calories it receives, as it's now expecting to see new nutrition patterns, which will allow it to burn these calories.

Immediately after every meal, your brain releases 2 types of hormones. Fat Burning hormones, which control the number of calories used up by your body and Fat Storing hormones, which control the number of calories your body stores as fat.

Making your body release more Fat Burning hormones would cause your body to burn more calories. Reducing the amount of Fat Storing hormones, reduces the number of calories stored in your body as fat. Making these changes happen is the basis of a Calorie Shifting Diet.

Fat tissue produced by your body is designed to be burned away as energy used up during your day to day activities. If the volume of Fat Burning Hormones released after every meal however is too low, instead of burning this fat tissue, your body stores it.

A Calorie Shifting diet, rotates the food combinations your eat and your meal frequency, forcing your body to release the highest possible amount of Fat Burning hormones. Doing this, results in your body burning the highest possible percentage of calories it receive whilst at the same time storing the lowest possible fat deposits.

Using a Calorie Shifting diet in the proper cycles can result in weight loss happening for every cycle of the program. This weight loss happens without any starvation regimes or eliminating any food types.

The weight loss is the direct result of the shifting nutrition patterns and the way in which your body produces Fat Burning Hormones and Fat Storing Hormones.

A Calorie Shifting diet allows your body to burn more of your calorie intake as energy while also using up the fat deposits already stored, converting both to fuel for your daily activities.

Calorie Shifting diets have been most effective for those people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 26 and 36. This is not a hard and fast rule, as Calorie Shifting, like all other weight loss products, works better for some than others. Individuals in the BMI range of 26 to 36 however, have seen the best results from Calorie Shifting diets.