Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Calorie Shifting Diet

Calorie Shifting is the procedure whereby you alter your eating habits and food combinations, forcing your metabolism to burn more of the calories you eat.

Your metabolism can't know what your calorie intake will be tomorrow or the day after, so it burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days. Your metabolism assumes your eating habits will be the same over the next days to come.

If however, you could do the opposite of what your metabolism was expecting this would effectively shock your system into burning more calories. By rotating the foods you eat and the frequency and types of foods, your metabolism will start to burn calories based on this rotation.

Your metabolism is basically being instructed to burn more of the calories it receives, as it's now expecting to see new nutrition patterns, which will allow it to burn these calories.

Immediately after every meal, your brain releases 2 types of hormones. Fat Burning hormones, which control the number of calories used up by your body and Fat Storing hormones, which control the number of calories your body stores as fat.

Making your body release more Fat Burning hormones would cause your body to burn more calories. Reducing the amount of Fat Storing hormones, reduces the number of calories stored in your body as fat. Making these changes happen is the basis of a Calorie Shifting Diet.

Fat tissue produced by your body is designed to be burned away as energy used up during your day to day activities. If the volume of Fat Burning Hormones released after every meal however is too low, instead of burning this fat tissue, your body stores it.

A Calorie Shifting diet, rotates the food combinations your eat and your meal frequency, forcing your body to release the highest possible amount of Fat Burning hormones. Doing this, results in your body burning the highest possible percentage of calories it receive whilst at the same time storing the lowest possible fat deposits.

Using a Calorie Shifting diet in the proper cycles can result in weight loss happening for every cycle of the program. This weight loss happens without any starvation regimes or eliminating any food types.

The weight loss is the direct result of the shifting nutrition patterns and the way in which your body produces Fat Burning Hormones and Fat Storing Hormones.

A Calorie Shifting diet allows your body to burn more of your calorie intake as energy while also using up the fat deposits already stored, converting both to fuel for your daily activities.

Calorie Shifting diets have been most effective for those people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) between 26 and 36. This is not a hard and fast rule, as Calorie Shifting, like all other weight loss products, works better for some than others. Individuals in the BMI range of 26 to 36 however, have seen the best results from Calorie Shifting diets.

Lose Weight Very Fast

Well, I am absolutely amazed. A very good friend of mine was recommended to a diet product which sounded remarkable. She had tried most diets and was fast becoming an expert in most of the ones we have all heard about, the thousand island diet, the pineapple, the Atkins and the grapefruit. But when she heard about this one, it really was a first for her.

Well, the first claim was that it would burn off 9 pounds every 11 days. Well, she tried it and after 9 days she had lost 13 pounds. After 18 days she had lost 25 pounds and after 27 days she was 37 pounds lighter. She was absolutely thrilled. The diet product really worked fast

Because of the nature of this Fantastic Diet, she never got bored because it did not stick to a single theme (low carbo's, low calorie, low sugar etc). In fact, it should sound confusing because this diet is supposed to confuse a person's metabolism and for her it really did the trick.

She remained on the diet for 3 months and she lost a total of 58 pounds and she had managed to keep this off by applying a sort of modified version of the diet in her normal eating habits. It really has made her glow with pride and she giggles when she is explaining to me how she enjoyed the process so much.

She has been overweight for many years and she was becoming very concerned about obesity and the health benefits which she was becoming aware of. She knew that obesity and being overweight would affect her mood, her health and when she read an article that said that because of the diseases associated with obesity, she might not see her children grow up - this was it for her. So, she started on the grapefruit diet for the 'millionth' time. Again just like in all the other diets this exercise served only as a way to limit herself from having foods that she really enjoyed.

She decided to look into it further. She found out that many celebrities had used this same Fantastic diet that it had been secretly adopted by the aristocracy. Some of the Royal Families of the world had been using this Fantastic Diet because of it's effectiveness in quickly allowing people to lose weight rapidly without any of the normal difficulties spread through high society all over the world.

She read an article in a Woman's magazine and she decided to go online to find out more. I can only say that having witnessed an amazing transformation of my friend, I just would not have believed it possible that in 2008 there was anything new to be found in the diet department.

I told my new slim friend that I would do what I could to promote this diet to others as she felt that there was simply nothing to come even close to anything so amazing

So, why not find out the inside scoop on how to diet effortlessly. If my words can help just one person to realize their dream in a similar way to that of my friend, then I will just glow with pride.

I have now got another 4 of my friends following the diet and I have others writing to me thanking me for helping them to lose weight by recommending this superb dieting system and I will let you know how they are doing as they contact me further.

Go lose the all the weight you want to, enjoy yourselves and please get back to me with your remarkable stories.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fitness exercise

You wouldn't know it by looking at Americans, but life is much more enjoyable if you're healthy and in good shape. What; you don't believe me? Okay, allow me to elaborate. When you're in great shape, you're able to function easier. This is because your body is carrying around less fat and your heart is in better condition. Not to mention the fact that you'll feel much more confident if you're in great shape. You'll take pride in your appearance and not struggle to hide your flabby thighs or pooch belly. So, now you're probably ready to get started. Okay, let's talk fitness exercise routines and healthy diets.

There's no big secret that eating right is crucial if you plan on living long and staying healthy. This does not only concern the well-being of your body, but it includes your mind as well. Poor diet can have a terrible effect on your mind. What you need to focus on is low-fat foods that are high in nutritional value. Avoid fatty meats and processed foods like chips and microwave dinners. To keep things simple, you want meals that have little sodium, saturated fat, and sugar. Water should be the main beverage you consume. Then there's the fitness exercise aspect. Eating healthy is awesome, but if you want to get that body conditioned, then you have to adopt a fitness exercise routine that works for you. If you're currently overweight, then you should probably begin with cardio exercises. Try an elliptical machine, tread mill, jogging around your neighborhood, and plenty of crunches. It's good to mix up your exercises, because this keeps the body guessing. This way your muscles don't get too used to the routine. Cardio is your best bet for burning calories.

Once you get down to the weight you prefer, you can add a few strength training fitness exercise regimens. The reason this is better left until after your weight is down, basically concerns weight gain. As you build muscle with weight training, you'll naturally gain weight. This makes losing weight confusing for some. Hey, it's time to get started with your new fitness exercise schedule. And remember, the key is sticking to the program. This is how you'll see results.

Fitness courses

I had been taking group fitness classes at the local gym for several months before I considered getting a fitness job. To me, fitness jobs were never something that I would consider. I come from a very intellectual but not very athletic family. Basically, anything that had to do with scholastic enterprises was valued, whereas anything that had to do with sports was not. Taking fitness courses in college was something that caused a major fight between me and my parents. I was interested in keeping my body healthy and in learning a little bit about human physiology in the process, but my parents couldn't understand it. If I had become a doctor, they would have gotten it right away, but taking a fitness course was something that seemed like sheer fluff to them.

Because of this attitude, I was well on my way to a job as a banker before I realized that I didn't want it. I hated sitting at a desk all day, and I didn't really care about money or figures. I wanted to take some fitness courses and see what they took me. When I started taking the fitness courses, I had no particular plans for a career as a fitness instructor. I signed up for fitness instructor classes because I figured that was just the best way to know fitness training inside and out. However, before I knew it, I was halfway through the fitness courses and ready to seriously start thinking about my future. I got into a conversation about it with one of the fitness class instructors at the gym. I told him about my fitness courses and he told me about a job opening at that very place! I figured what the heck, got my resume together, and applied. I was hired for the job as a personal fitness instructor!

Now I lead my own fitness course about three times a week. I have made it my life's mission to encourage other people to get more involved in personal fitness. I think that there are so many unhealthy, unhappy people who would greatly benefit from a little bit of exercise. The key for people like me is to make the classes fun. A fitness courses should not be about grunting and sweating with no fun. It should be entertainment as well as exercise. That has been my philosophy all along, and now I have the chance to bring it to the classroom.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fitness Exercises For Good Health Systems

I had been taking group fitness classes at the local gym for several months before I considered getting a fitness job. To me, fitness jobs were never something that I would consider. I come from a very intellectual but not very athletic family. Basically, anything that had to do with scholastic enterprises was valued, whereas anything that had to do with sports was not. Taking fitness courses in college was something that caused a major fight between me and my parents. I was interested in keeping my body healthy and in learning a little bit about human physiology in the process, but my parents couldn't understand it. If I had become a doctor, they would have gotten it right away, but taking a fitness course was something that seemed like sheer fluff to them.

Because of this attitude, I was well on my way to a job as a banker before I realized that I didn't want it. I hated sitting at a desk all day, and I didn't really care about money or figures. I wanted to take some fitness courses and see what they took me. When I started taking the fitness courses, I had no particular plans for a career as a fitness instructor. I signed up for fitness instructor classes because I figured that was just the best way to know fitness training inside and out. However, before I knew it, I was halfway through the fitness courses and ready to seriously start thinking about my future. I got into a conversation about it with one of the fitness class instructors at the gym. I told him about my fitness courses and he told me about a job opening at that very place! I figured what the heck, got my resume together, and applied. I was hired for the job as a personal fitness instructor!

Now I lead my own fitness course about three times a week. I have made it my life's mission to encourage other people to get more involved in personal fitness. I think that there are so many unhealthy, unhappy people who would greatly benefit from a little bit of exercise. The key for people like me is to make the classes fun. A fitness courses should not be about grunting and sweating with no fun. It should be entertainment as well as exercise. That has been my philosophy all along, and now I have the chance to bring it to the classroom.

Fitness Exercise Training Strength Regimens

You wouldn't know it by looking at Americans, but life is much more enjoyable if you're healthy and in good shape. What; you don't believe me? Okay, allow me to elaborate. When you're in great shape, you're able to function easier. This is because your body is carrying around less fat and your heart is in better condition. Not to mention the fact that you'll feel much more confident if you're in great shape. You'll take pride in your appearance and not struggle to hide your flabby thighs or pooch belly. So, now you're probably ready to get started. Okay, let's talk fitness exercise routines and healthy diets.

There's no big secret that eating right is crucial if you plan on living long and staying healthy. This does not only concern the well-being of your body, but it includes your mind as well. Poor diet can have a terrible effect on your mind. What you need to focus on is low-fat foods that are high in nutritional value. Avoid fatty meats and processed foods like chips and microwave dinners. To keep things simple, you want meals that have little sodium, saturated fat, and sugar. Water should be the main beverage you consume. Then there's the fitness exercise aspect. Eating healthy is awesome, but if you want to get that body conditioned, then you have to adopt a fitness exercise routine that works for you. If you're currently overweight, then you should probably begin with cardio exercises. Try an elliptical machine, tread mill, jogging around your neighborhood, and plenty of crunches. It's good to mix up your exercises, because this keeps the body guessing. This way your muscles don't get too used to the routine. Cardio is your best bet for burning calories.

Once you get down to the weight you prefer, you can add a few strength training fitness exercise regimens. The reason this is better left until after your weight is down, basically concerns weight gain. As you build muscle with weight training, you'll naturally gain weight. This makes losing weight confusing for some. Hey, it's time to get started with your new fitness exercise schedule. And remember, the key is sticking to the program. This is how you'll see results.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Personal Fitness Courses And Health For Fitness

I had been taking group fitness classes at the local gym for several months before I considered getting a fitness job. To me, fitness jobs were never something that I would consider. I come from a very intellectual but not very athletic family. Basically, anything that had to do with scholastic enterprises was valued, whereas anything that had to do with sports was not. Taking fitness courses in college was something that caused a major fight between me and my parents. I was interested in keeping my body healthy and in learning a little bit about human physiology in the process, but my parents couldn't understand it. If I had become a doctor, they would have gotten it right away, but taking a fitness course was something that seemed like sheer fluff to them.

Because of this attitude, I was well on my way to a job as a banker before I realized that I didn't want it. I hated sitting at a desk all day, and I didn't really care about money or figures. I wanted to take some fitness courses and see what they took me. When I started taking the fitness courses, I had no particular plans for a career as a fitness instructor. I signed up for fitness instructor classes because I figured that was just the best way to know fitness training inside and out. However, before I knew it, I was halfway through the fitness courses and ready to seriously start thinking about my future. I got into a conversation about it with one of the fitness class instructors at the gym. I told him about my fitness courses and he told me about a job opening at that very place! I figured what the heck, got my resume together, and applied. I was hired for the job as a personal fitness instructor!

Now I lead my own fitness course about three times a week. I have made it my life's mission to encourage other people to get more involved in personal fitness. I think that there are so many unhealthy, unhappy people who would greatly benefit from a little bit of exercise. The key for people like me is to make the classes fun. A fitness courses should not be about grunting and sweating with no fun. It should be entertainment as well as exercise. That has been my philosophy all along, and now I have the chance to bring it to the classroom.

Fitness Exercise Training And Health Diets

You wouldn't know it by looking at Americans, but life is much more enjoyable if you're healthy and in good shape. What; you don't believe me? Okay, allow me to elaborate. When you're in great shape, you're able to function easier. This is because your body is carrying around less fat and your heart is in better condition. Not to mention the fact that you'll feel much more confident if you're in great shape. You'll take pride in your appearance and not struggle to hide your flabby thighs or pooch belly. So, now you're probably ready to get started. Okay, let's talk fitness exercise routines and healthy diets.

There's no big secret that eating right is crucial if you plan on living long and staying healthy. This does not only concern the well-being of your body, but it includes your mind as well. Poor diet can have a terrible effect on your mind. What you need to focus on is low-fat foods that are high in nutritional value. Avoid fatty meats and processed foods like chips and microwave dinners. To keep things simple, you want meals that have little sodium, saturated fat, and sugar. Water should be the main beverage you consume. Then there's the fitness exercise aspect. Eating healthy is awesome, but if you want to get that body conditioned, then you have to adopt a fitness exercise routine that works for you. If you're currently overweight, then you should probably begin with cardio exercises. Try an elliptical machine, tread mill, jogging around your neighborhood, and plenty of crunches. It's good to mix up your exercises, because this keeps the body guessing. This way your muscles don't get too used to the routine. Cardio is your best bet for burning calories.

Once you get down to the weight you prefer, you can add a few strength training fitness exercise regimens. The reason this is better left until after your weight is down, basically concerns weight gain. As you build muscle with weight training, you'll naturally gain weight. This makes losing weight confusing for some. Hey, it's time to get started with your new fitness exercise schedule. And remember, the key is sticking to the program. This is how you'll see results.